Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Fettucine Dinner Tickets

BAND... Now read this!!

The 2nd Annual Fettuccine Dinner Fundraiser is underway. I am positive that it will as delicious as last year's meal. Tickets have been issued, in groups of 10 to students, with some have multiples of 10. Please help the sale of these tickets. Understand that all tickets must be accounted for, so please check pockets BEFORE you do the laundry! To date, 1000 tickets have been issued. If you have tickets that you know you either cannot or will not be able to sell, PLEASE return the unsold tickets to me. I can reissue them to other students/parent who need more tickets. The sooner, the better.

It is IMPORTANT that you see me before placing anything for the Fettuccine Dinner Fundraiser into the dropbox. I would much rather reshuffle/reissue tickets than to have them go unsold.

Thank you for all that you do for the band.

Bon Appetit!

JSquare, NBCT
Director of Bands

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