Thursday, May 8, 2014

Solo and Small Ensemble Assessment

Band.... Now read and understand this!

Good news...Bad news.

The Solo and Small Ensemble Assessment Festival scheduled for tomorrow is be moved to NEXT Thursday, 15 May 2014.

Good news for you!!

You have more time to GHAP! And You have more time for me to "coach" you in the performance. Many of you are doing a great job playing the notes...Now let's discover the message in the notes AND "sing" these melodies through your instruments!

You have more time to concentrate on your EOC testing

     Bad news for you...."But Mr. Square... I've been practicing since I got home today!" No worries...It will pay dividends when you play for ME, which some of you seem afraid to do. (You'll be surprised that I really won't bite you! I will push you to think outside of the box and beyond the notes!)

Good news for me.... I'll feel better physically and mentally to help you.

Band news for me.... I am running a fever and have a throbbing headache. Maybe making a trip to the walk-in clinic tonight. Additionally, I am asking you all again to NOT SPRAY PERFUME, Deodorant, HAIR SPRAY, etc. Anywhere inside of the music building. This only compounds the major problems I with EVERYTHING blooming full force, especially after our very unusual tropical winter! Thank you for helping out! Wish my mom was here to make me feel better.

Hope to see you all on campus tomorrow.

JSquare, NBCT
Director of Bands

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