Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Potluck Dinner Info

Band - Parents - Attention:
The potluck on Monday, October 20, 2014 will feature Spaghetti and Meatballs provided by the boosters. We ask that that Freshman bring salad, Sophomores bring desserts, Juniors bring drinks and a salad dressing of your choice and Seniors bring dinner rolls or garlic bread.
This meeting will have our Mattress Sale rep as our speaker. We ask that you please attend. This is very important information for our very important fundraiser coming up November 8, 2014. There will be a few more things to discuss that are very important. Please make every effort to attend.
Students will be having their parish honor band auditions and some have their ROTC meeting. After the audition and/or meeting, students will come over and have some dinner, etc.
Please reply to this post if you are attending and how many. We will need a head count. If you will not be attending, you will still need to get your mattress sale information. THERE WILL BE A VARIETY OF DOOR PRIZES AT THIS EVENT. Thank you.

Tina Hooper
President, Band Boosters

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