Thursday, March 5, 2015

TAME Parish Band Assessment Day News / Guard Rehearsal

Band... Now read this!!
I'll start with GUARD: remember the information from Mrs. Crovetto and Miss Krystal. Let's have a great day!
And now on to BAND:  Instructions for Parish Assessment
1. Dress Code is Green Polo, Khaki Bottoms, Dark Socks, Dark Shoes.
2. REPORT to 1st period class. You will be dismissed from this class AFTER the announcements! THEN come to the bandroom.
3. We are playing these selections for adjudication (judging):
PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE = "Winter"  and "Mi Milagro"  8:40
SYMPHONIC BAND = "Emblem of Unity", "Salvation is Created", and "Thunderscape"  9:00

PJHS plays at 9:20; Vinyard plays at 10:00

Symphonic  Band will be allowed to participate in the FULL day of Band Assessment (as a performer and listener/learner). Be sure to thank Mr. Strickland!
I will be available until 2:45 ish if you need help with your Solo.

See you on campus.

JSquare, NBCT
Director of Bands

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