Friday, October 18, 2013

17 Oct Notes

BAND... Now read this!!

Wow...It was the best day ever!  Thank you all for being there, playing, choosing good attitudes, and making each others' day! Maybe everyone had their Choupique Cards handy! Thank you for allowing me to enjoy a break in the intensity of the rehearsal grind. And thank you for your willingness to keep on pushing "through the tape" of this seemingly endless marching season. I hope that you learned something useful in our P.R.I.D.E. discussions today. Guard and percussion, if you're wondering, ask someone in hornline to share some of their thoughts with you.

DM Christopher has offered these thoughts, which I enthusiastically share with you now:
BAND! Marching season is at its peak right now, and moving quicker than ever! With two competitions and a homecoming game in our near future, I just wanted to take the time to compose this message of commendation and appreciation toward you all. Marching season has been going strong since July, and I cannot be prouder of where we are right now. We look and sound better than we ever have before, and if we continue at the pace we're moving at, we can continue to improve and reach levels I never thought we would when I started band way back in July of 2010.

Notice, however, that I used the words "commendation" and "appreciation," and not "congratulations" or "felicitations" because WE ARE NOT DONE YET! I know many of you are excited for our post-marching season activities like Winterguard and Symphonic Band, but don't let the excitement towards the future get in the way of the present. We have a great thing going this season, and it's only looking up. So I commend and appreciate each and every member of the band who comes to our numerous rehearsals, games, parades and all of our other events (AND the parents who get them there and help out when we get where we're going) . It is a huge obligation, but it's the most worthwhile obligation I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of.

I believe I speak for all of the executive officers and Mr. Square when I offer this praise AND when I ask you to keep up the momentum that we have going. Today's rehearsal was a great one! Let's make this weekend's performances and any future rehearsals we have run the same way.

The junior high looked like they enjoyed themselves, and they got a taste of what it's going to be like when they join the high school band. Let's show them a good time tomorrow night, and give them as many reasons as we can to continue with their music education throughout school--after all, isn't it the dream to have that many people in the high school band (and then some!)?

Thank you all for your hard work and determination so far throughout the season, and keep it up so we accomplish everything that we all KNOW we can in these next few weeks of marching band that we have left!  I'll see you all tomorrow at the pep rally and football game!


I could not have said it better myself. Having the bandroom packed with so many eager young musicians was incredible... I hope there is some paint left on the walls! And thank you all for making it a special afternoon for our JH and Holy Ghost guests.

Tomorrow is a pep rally day. I will ask for you all to 4th period about 10 minutes EARLY so that Rally #1 can get started a bit sooner, giving us more time to play. Tomorrow is a JEANS DAY! Bring you $1.00 to your HR teacher.

I am pleased that we got stuff done at ASR and that we didn't have to turn on the headlights. Some work to be done on Saturday morning , and I know that you'll be mentally refreshed and recharged.

Game Day downbeat is 5:23 pm, FDU. Be there...Aloha!

As always, MUSIC is EDUCATION!

Personal Responsibility in Developing Excellence!

JSquare, NBCT
Director of Bands

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