Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mattress Phone Blitz and ASR

Band.... NOW READ THIS!!!!!

We are rounding the corner very soon to the Mattress Sale Fundraiser! One of the most critical steps to our success happens tomorrow: the telephone blitz / call-a-thon / referral rodeo. Call it what you might, but it is so IMPORTANT that you be there and take part. Here's a quick reminder of what you'll do:

  • Have a list of potential supporters, and their phone numbers
  • Talk with this potential buyer, ahead of time, and get a commitment from them that they will show up for the Mattress Sale 
  • Get them on the phone (remind them that you will be calling)
  • Use the "Phone Script" from the handout and share the information with supporter

Remember that we can make a substantial amount of revenue ($$$) when we all pitch in to HELP!!!


When we are finished with the Phone Blitz, we will head outside for a productive round of run throughs!!

Personal Responsibility In Developing Excellence!

JSquare, NBCT
Director of Bands

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