Monday, July 14, 2014

One time at Band Camp.....

Band... Now read this!!
2014 Band camp is right around the corner! Before you know it, we'll be having "fun with FUNdamentals", stretching and conditioning, enjoying long tones, loving breathing gym, balancing books, glide stepping, and so many other particulars that make our band family special. For now, here are some things to consider:
  1. DETOX  Time to get into a "band camp friendly"  regimen. Food intake is a good place to start. Ease up on the sugars, empty carbs, and so-called ENERGY drinks!! Drink plenty of water, have some protein (boudin and/or bacon is always good!), eat FRUIT and VEGGIES!!
  2. ACCLIMATE Go outside! Get use to the heat, sunshine, and humidity! This time of year is especially HOT, HUMID, and HAZY! Marching Band is an OUTDOOR activity! Get ready!
  3. REST and RESTORE  check your bedtimes and morning wake-up times! And get some restorative sleep... This can't really happen if you're texting and/or gaming all night!
  4. COMMUNICATE and CONNECT  We've been spread out most of the summer, so check in with each other. Read the official messages from me as director and Miss Tina (booster president), as we will post info on charms, band website, FB group page, phone calls, etc. PLEASE refrain from posting your own comments/speculations on the official sites... The OFFICIAL sites are for group information, not as a personal forum, please. As James Brown might comment, "Static...Don't start none, won't be none!"
  5. 1415 Band Student Leadership... We will have work days this week Wednesday and Thursday at the bandroom, to prepare for camp.
This Fall Marching Season is going to be great! I am looking forward to having Fun with "Night Watch" throughout every rehearsal and performance! I hope you are excited, too!
Once again, welcome to the 2014-15 PHS Greenwave Band year, another fun adventure in

 Personal Responsibility In Developing Excellence!!

JSquare, NBCT
Director of Bands

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