Tuesday, March 11, 2014


(This message is long but is also being sent out via Charms)
1.Fettuccine Dinner: HELP NEEDED 8:00AM -2:00PM
2.Fettuccine Dinner: Students need to sign up on the sheet and give Mr. Square your purchased ticket. He will have the list tomorrow & Thursday. You MUST sign up by end of day on Thursday to have your lunch delivered. No exceptions.
3.Fettuccine Dinner: If you sold 10 or more tickets that have to be delivered we must know ...the place, address, how many, and what time! Please use the comment form on the band website to submit that information.
4.Yard Sale: March 22 – 6:00 AM until ….. Located at PHS. Need to bring your own tables, chair, and change. If you have items to donate to the band to sale, please bring to the band room.
5.Strawberry Festival: Need Chairman/Co-Chairman(s) please contact President Julie Chatellier or Treasurer Melissa Eldridge to discuss.
6.Strawberry Festival: Set up is on April 10th (Thursday)
7.Strawberry Festival: Everyone needs to sign up for shifts & Students required to work at least one shift
8.Disney Trip: TShirts for Chaperones $20/set. If we receive 25 or more sets, the students will all receive free sets of shirts. Deadline to order is March 25th. Place $ in envelope and write your name and size on the outside.
9.Disney Trip: MANDATORY PARENT, STUDENT & CHAPERONE MEETING MARCH 25Th 7:00PM - Forms & Releases to sign, Rules discussed, Room Assignments, Chaperone Assignments, Itinerary.

*March 14th – Crawfish Fettuccine Dinner
**March 19th – Set Up for Ensemble Concerts on the 20th
**March 20th –Large Ensemble/Solo Ensemble PHS
March 20th – Mid-Semester Concert – PHS
**March 22nd – Band Yard Sale
March 22th – Winterguard – Denham Springs HS
**March 25th or 26th?? – District Large Ensemble, Fountainbleau HS
March 25th – MANDATORY Parent & Chaperone Meeting for Disney Trip PHS 7:00pm
March 29th – Winterguard – Regional Championships – SLU
April 4th TENTATIVE – Jazz Band – Jazz Festival at SLU
April 7th – BOOSTER MEETING 6:00 PM (moved up one week due to the festival) Election of 2014-15 Officers & Festival Information
*April 10th – Festival Set up
*April 11-13th Strawberry Festival
April 20th- 24th – Disney Trip, Orlando FL
May 21st – Graduation
*Dates noted with (*) are service hours for the boosters and are worked “hour for hour”.
**Dates noted with (**) are available for Service Hours with the boosters. Some restrictions may apply for the various events. Please speak to President, Julie Chatellier or Treasurer, Melissa Eldridge for details.

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